WOW, its been so long since I have posted anything! Lets see where do I start?? The kids are back in school and they love it!! Haylee is in 2nd grade this year and she has her 1st grade teacher in 2nd grade, she is so excited about that!! Pay is in 1st grade this year, he loves his teacher. She is new to our school this year and I love her, she is so great! We have already finished the 1st term of the year, and that means we have already gotten report cards. They both did so good, neither of them have a grade below an A, I'm one proud momma!! Haylee also got an award for her honesty and good attitude and for being uplifting to her friends and everyone around her. She is so amazing and growing up way too fast!! She helps me with anything that I ask her to, she loves her family with all of her heart! Payton is so awesome too, he loves his brothers and they love to be with him. He cant make a move that McCoy and Emmet aren't right behind him, they love him so much! McCoy is such a stinker, he is so funny and loves to make us laugh! He is settling down a little, not beating on Emmet so much anymore. He is so busy, its hard to keep up with him some days! Emmet is right there with McCoy, busy little stinker. He is so funny and loves to cuddle. He is talking a little bit, he YELLS mom and dad and papa, he can say batman, iron man, pillow pet, ball, and a few other words. I love them so much I am so grateful to have the four of them in my life!! As for me and Aaron, I am working at their school part time, I help out in the kitchen doing what ever needs to be done, then I head on down to Haylee's classroom and help out in there. Aaron is working a job that he hates right now, but wont be for much longer, he got a job offer from Dugway and we are way excited to start out there soon. I am so grateful that he works so hard, even at job that he despises, to take care of us! We are pretty blessed, and I am grateful for it all!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Have you ever looked around your house and just felt blah!? I have been noticing lately that I am really bored with the way my house looks, I need a change!! My problem is that I dont know where to start! I love things that are uniquely mine! When you come to my house I want you to see things that you wont see at the neighbors house. Like right now I am really wanting a different couch set because EVERYONE has the set that I have, that beyond bugs me!! I want a new color scheme, so my thoughts are cream, brown, a mustardy yellow and a teal blue. What do you think?? I know that doesnt sound very great together but I think I have found shades of those four colors that will work. The other thing that bites over here is that we cannot paint the walls, so my walls are white as white can be. I am cruising the internet for inspiration and for things that I like. I have some ideas in my head, and I really want to do something with them.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
We are still here!!
So I am sure some of you are wondering if we are still alive! Yes we are, just busy! The month of May was super busy and June followed just as crazy as can be! We finished up the school year and have been loving summer vacation! Lets see what have we been doing? There is so much I dont know where to start! Well I guess the biggest thing is out little peanut Emmet turned 1 on my 25th birthday! That was fun. We had a zoo themed party for him, elephant cake and all. Of course the camera wouldnt work so no pics, sorry. I am way sad about it, you only have one first birthday, but he loved it! I cant believe he is already a year, it goes by so fast. I just love him so much, he makes us all smile everyday!! On Memorial Day weekend, Aaron and I went to the Kansas, Styxx and Journey concert out at Miller, it was so much fun! I had never seen any of them in concert, we enjoyed every minute of it! He took the boys to the AMA stuff out there that weekend and they all had so much fun! Pay and McCoy even rode a mechanical bull, they loved it. We do have pics of that, I will post them later. We havent been out doing a lot of stuff, just hanging out at home enjoying a lazy summer with friends. We are taking this summer really slow, not jamming our schedule full of stuff to do. We love the lazy days of ice cream, running through the srinklers and late nights outside. I hope people still check out our blog, I will post pics soon!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A Quick Update
It has been so long since I have posted anything, wow time flies! Well we are all still alive, we have all been sick, but we are alive! Life has been so crazy busy, we are counting down school days left until summer, we are currently at 11!! So much has been going on with just daily living, school, work, ballet, it never stops for us! After May I hope things will slow way down and I can get caught up on everything around the house and take a breather. But for now we have a ballet performance, two birthday parties, end of school, and tons of other great stuff coming our way. We have no plans for the summer, just hanging out enjoying each other and our friends. So if you are around come on over and hang out with us!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Getting Better!!
Well this week wasnt as bad as last week, that's always good!! I am LOVING this job at school, the kids, not so much, but its all good. So what I do is I help out in the library and then I monitor the halls during lunch and help out on the playground during lunch, we rotate who is where. Well the Jr. High kids have dubbed me the hall natzi or hall cop, either one works. I think that is so funny, I guess it means that I am doing my job!! But even though they seem to not like me they still come up and chat at me, so its all good! The best part is that I get to spend lunch with Haylee, I love watching her at school with her friends, and hanging out with her. She is getting so big so fast. Next year I will get to spend it with Pay I hope. Aaron is really enjoying South America, he is there with the Marines for a few days. He is having a good time training other men and seeing all the tourist attractions. He got to see the Mayan ruins this weekend, I am so beyond jealous!! I hope we get to go back there some day, I want to go so bad!! He is having a good time, but he is anxious to get home. The kids are themselves doing school, dance, and playing with friends and each other. My van is working, yeah!!! My cousin got it all fixed for me, now I just hope that it lasts!! My wisdom teeth are all healed up but I am still nervous about eating. My jaw is still in a lot of pain, the one tooth was really far down in the nerve, he said that if I were older I would have permamnent loss of feeling in my lower lip, but it has been fine, thank goodness. But now we get ready to start another week of all that life holds for us, time flies so fast!! I am hoping to have the time and energy to start Spring Cleaning this week, we have an inspection next week so I need to be ready!! Anyway things are good with our posse, I hope all is well with all of you!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Oh What a Week!!
Here is an update from the Vargas posse! Our week started out normal, school, ballet and work. I am really enjoying my job at the school, it is way easy!! I help out in the library and outside during lunch, or monitoring the halls during lunch, not bad at all..Anyway all was going fine until Thursday happened....We got up got Haylee to school then Aaron has to get ready to leave the country for a few days, so we head to Tooele, we stop to get gas and the car wont start...the belt came off and wont go back on. So we call in back up to come and pick up all 5 of us. Luckily my mom had the day off to help me because I had my wisdom teeth out that day. So Aaron and my dad tow my van to Tooele and I head to my appointment. That was the last I saw of Aaron until Friday night. Well I came home from my appointment and slept the rest of the day and all that night. I woke to hear that it is going to be about 700 to fix my car and Aaron wont be around to help me out. Well, thank goodness my cousin can do it for me a lot cheaper, but I still dont know how long it will take. As for my teeth, I am okay, swelling and bruising is minimal, but wow the pain....So for now I am hanging out in Tooele with family until I have a car big enough to get all of us around. It has been so crazy!! I am sure that this post is completely scattered and may make no sense, for this I am sorry. I am still a little drugged but I hope it all passes soon.
Friday, April 2, 2010
I GOT IT!!!!
As I said before in another post, I applied for a job at the kids' school. Just part time to do odds and ends around the whole school.....well I GOT IT!!! WOO HOO!! I am way excited, it will be a nice change of pace for all of us. I was really worried that I wouldnt get it because I froze during the interview, but they still want me. I start Monday at 10, it will be so nice!! Oh and top it all off, Aaron is taking a day shift so he will be home in the evenings now. That means more time to spend as a family, how nice will that be!! It will be nice to have a normal schedule again!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Spring Is Here........Not!!!
Okay is anyone else beyond annoyed with winter!!! It is like this every year, you think oh spring break is here, so it will be nice out and you can have some fun, not!!! Spring break here is always awful!!! It snowed all day yesterday, and it is beyond cold. We had some way fun stuff planned too, but none of it got done because of the weather and 4 out of 6 of us are sick!! What a great break we are having!! So we have spent our week inside playing nintendo, yes I still call it that, watching movies and trying to catch up on cleaning. Oh and trying to get rid of 3 awful coughs, runny noses, and goopy eyes. When will winter end?? We want to play outside so bad!! We would love to go camping, swimming, play baseball, ride bikes, have BBQs with our friends and stay out with all the neighbors, talking until the kids are falling asleep on our laps, not to mention some crafting. But paint doesnt like to dry when it is cold outside, so we need some heat!! Come on summer, we are here and ready!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Do any of you have that? You know, feeling like you want to scream?? Well I do, a lot more often then I would like to admit. But I have found a solution for myself. I am going to be making a little project for myself this weekend and I am thinking some of you will enjoy it too! We have a few projects going on during Spring Break, I am way excited to get them done and share them with you! I just hope the kids have some fun too. I hope everyone has a great break!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Pres. Ezra Taft Benson
We found this video on youtube and it is very interesting. I hope you will watch it and leave me a comment on how you feel about it.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Just A Mom!
I got an email the other day from the kids' school letting all of us families know that they were hiring a couple of people to do miscellaneous things around the school part time. I applied and got asked to come to an interview, woo hoo!! I was a little nervous because it has been a long time since I have done an interview. The first thing she says is "tell me about yourself" I went BLANK!!
I told her that I am married and have 4 kids at home and I have been a stay at home mom for 7 years. She says "that's nice" and waited for me to say more. I did not know what to say....I had no idea what to tell her. I was ready to tell her why they should pick me for the job, why I am most qualified and so on and so forth. But when it comes to who I am and what I do, besides be a mom, I come up blank. I think it is safe to say that I have really lost myself, I don't know who I am anymore. What do I like, what do I like to do, what do I do when I am alone or for fun?? I have no idea...I am sure that I am not the only mom out there that has lost a sense of identity, so my question is how do you find yourself again? I need all the help I can get, any advice for me??
I told her that I am married and have 4 kids at home and I have been a stay at home mom for 7 years. She says "that's nice" and waited for me to say more. I did not know what to say....I had no idea what to tell her. I was ready to tell her why they should pick me for the job, why I am most qualified and so on and so forth. But when it comes to who I am and what I do, besides be a mom, I come up blank. I think it is safe to say that I have really lost myself, I don't know who I am anymore. What do I like, what do I like to do, what do I do when I am alone or for fun?? I have no idea...I am sure that I am not the only mom out there that has lost a sense of identity, so my question is how do you find yourself again? I need all the help I can get, any advice for me??
Friday, March 19, 2010
Your SO Mean!!
Am I a mean mom?? I guess it depends on who you ask, my children say ,yes, I am a mean mommy! I am so sorry that I want their bedrooms clean, and no I am not doing it for you. I want their dirty laundry brought out so I can wash it, and it had better be dirty. I expect them to put their own clean laundry away, even the two year old, and they pick up their own toys and junk. They put their dirty dishes in the sink and sometimes the dish washer, I have even had Haylee clean the bathroom, well more like wipe down with a disinfectant wipe, but she still did it. They know how to do things for themselves and how to help eachother. Does that really make me a mean mom?? Do you care to weigh in? But Haylee told me tonight... even if you are mean sometimes, I still love you:) I hope later down the road they will appreciate their mean mom.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
If You Live In Stansbury...Read This!!
I heard today that there is a guy hanging out in the Stansbury area trying to get girls into his van. So far he tried in Lakepoint but was unsuccessful, so he has moved up here. He has been trying this at bus stops and I am sure he will try other places too. If you have girls of any age keep a very close eye on them. And keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary, its time to be nosy neighbors to keep our kids safe.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Summer Vaction , Here We Come!!!
Do you guys realize we only have 2 months of school left?? It will fly by so fast!! Are you as excited as I am?? I cannot wait, I cant wait to be warm again! So what are your plans for summer this year? Any vacations planned or just hanging out at home with the kiddos? We have talked about a few things like camping trips and summer projects, but no solid plans yet. The only thing that is really set in stone is our garden, we are planning a HUGE garden for this year, I am so EXCITED!! The kids will love it, Haylee has wanted to do a garden for a long time, this year is her year. If I play my cards right, she might get a playhouse too, but we will see how nice Aaron wants to be to me this year:) We love summer I cant wait!! We are available for playdates too, so give us a call if you are interested.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Wow that went by so fast!!! I guess a lot is going on with us, we stay pretty busy around here. The kids are doing the usual, school and ballet, and are still loving it!! Haylee learned all about South America and Mexico and is doing Multiplication up to 40. She loves everything about school, except math, I dont blame her I am also a hater!!! Payton is learning how to read and is picking it up very quickly, I am so proud of him!! McCoy has learned how to say all of our names, minus his own, he calls himself Emmet too. He is learning extended families names now and calls Mitch and Madi caca bum. He is so funny, he keeps us all rolling!! Emmet is growing like a weed, he is getting so big!! His baby fat is finally coming in and he is getting tall to boot. He is crawling everywhere, getting into everything, and is trying to walk, it wont be long. He cant wait to get down and run around with his brothers and dad!! Aaron is still working and hates his job, but he is staying positive and keeps looking. He has narrowed it down to two schools, he is just trying to decide what he wants to be when he grows up. As for me I am doing the same old. I have our house and family in a great routine that is working, so the house is super clean and the kids are happy. So we have more free time then ever to play and hang out with each other and family and friends. Now we are just waiting for summer so we can got outside and play!! I hope everyone has a happy March!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Haylee came home from school the other day saying that they got to write poems and read poetry. She had a lot of fun with it. As I was going through her papers and homework I found the poem that she wrote at school. It reads......
Twinkle twinkle little Mars
how I wonder why you have candy bars.
I laughed my head off, I thought is was so funny and pretty creative, her teacher wrote a huge smiley face on it and said it was wonderful. She makes me laugh I just love her!!
Twinkle twinkle little Mars
how I wonder why you have candy bars.
I laughed my head off, I thought is was so funny and pretty creative, her teacher wrote a huge smiley face on it and said it was wonderful. She makes me laugh I just love her!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine #2
Haylee was asleep when I took and posted these pictures so she will be added later. Anyways these boys, how I love them!! They are so cute and so much fun!! Pay is such a good brother, he takes such good care of his brothers and loves them so much. McCoy is so full of life, he is so active and follows Pay around like a lost puppy. Emmet is growing so fast!! He is so cute and loves his mommy, which I will take!! I am so excited to watch them grow up together and the relationship that they will have when they are older. I love these boys so much and I hope that they never ever doubt it!!!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
My New Addiction!!!
I have found a new addiction, every Wednesday night on chanel 4 at 7:30, its The Middle!!! I love love love it!!! I think it is so funny and cute!! If you havent seen it I highly recommned it!! It is about a family with three kids, who are all very different and hilarious, and their lives as a family!! I love it, it makes me laugh because I can relate!! If you havent seen it, check it out and let me know what you think!! Happy watching!!
You can watch video of it on!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010
It s birthday time at our house!! Today Haylee turned 7 and Payton turned 6, I cant believe how fast it has gone by!! On Friday we went to Classic Skating and let the kids play, Saturday we had a BBQ at our house, then today we had dinner and cake at Aaron's mom's. They get a lot of good stuff, all in all they had a great birthday!! No pics we have misplaced our camera, no good. I hope we find it soon. Thank you all for the fun gifts and the birthday wishes. We love you all!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Well I am glad that January is over!! It is now one month closer to Spring, I cant wait, we want to play outside so bad!!!! Well we are still going in circles, but the circle is getting smaller. We have decided that Virginia isnt going to happen and we are staying in Tooele. Aaron has a job, it isnt ideal, but it pays the rent. And it is a pretty easy stressless job, which has been really nice. As for school, its still in the air. Right now we are concentrating on getting all of our debt paid off so we can get a house. We have found a couple that we would love to make our home. But for now, we will be in the Townhomes trying to figure out how to house us all within our new rules!! The kids are doing really good, they love school. Even McCoy is picking up on talking and the alphabet. He is a stinker, but he is getting a lot better with Emmet. Emmet is still not sleeping through the night, and I am getting very tired!! He is gaining weight, we are up to 15lbs, which I think is pretty dang good for the little runt. He is crawling but he would rather walk. He is already walking along furniture and standing alone, so I dont think it will be long. He is so cute and we just love him. I am a pretty lucky lady!! I have 4 amazing kids that are very well behaved and are very loving. Not to mention an amazing husband that does the very best that he can for all of us. I am so grateful for all 5 of them. I am hoping that February goes smoothly, we have a lot going on the month. We'll keep you posted on how everything is going.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Well not alot is going on at our house, we are pretty boring people!!!! The last month has been pretty trying on Aaron and I, we are kind of stuck trying to figure out what we are going to do. We know that Aaron wants to go to school and get a better job. We are trying to get our debt all paid off and working on getting a house. But we dont know where we want to be. We have talked about buying a house within our ward, and we have talked about buying land and building our own house. We are stuck on that decision. Now for school, we havent really decided which school or what he wants to go for. He has debated about law enforcement but he would really like to get back into carpentry, but there is no market for it now. I think the only thing we are 100% positive about is that we love love love their school and want to stay. We need a bigger house and yard, and that our family is getting so big and we are enjoying watching them grow up. We are so up in the air right now!! But on the other side of things we both got new callings yesterday, fun fun. I got called to nursery and Aaron is the Young Men's secretary. I am really excited about his calling, I have done mine before, but I think he will really enjoy his!! Emmet is learning to crawl and is all over the place!! He is already getting into everything he can get his little hands on. He went for a check up the other day and weighed in at 13.6lbs and is 26in long. He is still really little, but is getting bigger every day!! McCoy is talking up a storm, my boys are late talkers, but he is doing pretty good, and he will make a fantastic charades player!!! Pay and Haylee are loving school and are doing very well!! Pay is catching on to reading really well!! He has also informed me that he wants to take karate or fencing, either is right up his alley, so I guess we will work on that. Haylee is doing so good in school, she loves it. She earned the citizenship award at school for her amazing attitude. She is reading very well, I was listening to her read the other night and I couldnt figure out what she was reading so I went in and asked and she was reading the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. She is still doing ballet and is doing very well!! Sarah has bumped her up to the next level, it will be a little harder and a longer class every week, but she will love it and I am sure she will catch on very quickly!! She loves to dance and I love watching her dance!! I guess we have 4 very happy kiddos!! Now to figure out what we are going to do with ourselves so we can start moving forward, instead of in circles!!
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